Explore our fully-featured themes and pick a theme that suits your business. With Swell themes, you have the option to reconfigure and replace it with a custom storefront at any time.

Our Origin storefront theme is a ready-to-go progressive web app (PWA) storefront built with Nuxt.js. It is configured and hosted automatically when creating a new store, but can be re-configured and replaced by a custom storefront, or hosted by another provider such as Vercel or Netlify.

Our Horizon storefront is the latest subscriptions theme storefront that’s built with GraphQL. It has everything you need to run a subscription-based store and more.

Like Origin, the Horizon theme is configured and hosted automatically. You can also re-configure and replace the Horizon theme with a custom storefront or host it using another provider.

For custom builds, Origin storefront serves as an ideal starting point or example implementation using Swell.js. Whereas Horizon storefront is designed to provide more flexibility and control over the look and feel of your store. Horizon also serves as a nice introduction to using GraphQL.

For additional information regarding hosting the Origin or Horizon theme, see our hosting guides.